Kya-Thit Mg Paing (second from left) killed in action in Aroutoung village battle, Ye township.

Khin Soe (front-far left) killed in action in Ye township. Tin Tun (front-middle) was also killed in action in battle of Ye town. Aung Naing (Ka Yin Ma(front-far right) also died from unknown disease.

Those are stories of two of 102 fallen members, Kyathit Mg Paing and Khin Soe. They both were killed in a fight at Arutaung village, Ye township. We lost 4 friends in that fight.
Khin Soe and I were in the same group when we fled to the border. We walked in the jungle pretty much bare foot for 3-4 weeks. He was funy, loud and very helping. He was a short guy (about 5 foot 3 inches) and he usually carried a SKS rifle as tall as him. (Khin Soe- far left, the first row)
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