He and Tin Tun were killed in "the battle of Ye town". It was a major operation launched by Mon ethinic rebel. About 500 soldiers stationed in that town. The operation was a major failure due to suboptimal planning. 5 ABSDF members (3 from ABSDF 101 battallion) and about 40 Mon fighters were surrounded and captured at Ye township sport stadium. All of them were stripped down to underwear and beaten savagely by soldiers in front of town people in order to intimidate. Later, they were forced to dig their own graves and murdered.
Almost 20 years later, few people knew about this story and their sacrifices. I want people especially Burmese politicians to remember many unknown heros like Saya Shwe Ba and Tin Htun. Their sacrifice should not be in vain. We must fight on until we get rid of this evil military dictators from Burma.

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